Project L.O.V.E., (Law Officer Vouchers and Enforcement), is a program designed specifically for law enforcement to save children from serious injury and death in motor vehicle crashes by providing families with education on the proper use and installation of child safety seats. Law officers or traffic courts may issue vouchers to parents/caregivers who are traveling with children who are not using a child restraint or using one that is unsafe. Parents/caregivers can redeem vouchers at the Child Safety Seat Inspection Station nearest to their home where they will be provided with education on the proper use and installation of their child’s safety seat. A new child safety seat may be provided if deemed necessary by the certified child passenger safety technician at the Child Safety Seat Inspection Station. Child safety seats may be provided free of charge only to parents/caregivers who meet low income financial eligibility (participation in any public assistance program) and are residents of Indiana.
The voucher is not intended to replace a citation.
Please bring the child, the child’s current restraint, and the Project L.O.V.E. voucher to the appointment.
Click here to be directed to a list of Child Safety Seat Inspection Stations where you can schedule an appointment to redeem your voucher.